Press Release
October 14, 2013

Delivered during the flag-raising ceremony October 14, 2013

Thank you for giving me the honor to speak in this momentous event. I am pleased to celebrate the 97th Anniversary of the Senate with all of you.

I have worked here at the Senate for a little over four months and I have observed that there is something unique about the community here. There is an invisible bond among people, no matter which office they belong to, that hold and keep them together. I like it. I think this what makes the Senate community strong and adamant despite the criticism the institution is now facing.

I wanted to highlight this bond because it is crucial for the next months and years. Fast forward to three years, Senate will celebrate its centennial year. It is a milestone which I'm sure we hope to commemorate in a positive note. That this respected institution adhered to its mandate of legislating policies, in good faith, for the welfare of Filipinos.

Events currently unfolding may have tarnished the image of the Senate. But let us not get crippled by the negative sentiment. These too shall pass. We have to keep moving forward. Let us allow due process to take place. All the same, let us keep the unity in this community and leave it all to God.

I look forward to saying that because of our strong bond, we have successfully brought back the respect and trust of the Filipino people to the Senate, three years from now.

Thank you very much.

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