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Bills (13th Congress)


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SBN-107: Mature and Older Workers Act
An Act Establish a Job Training Program for Mature or Older Workers Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P., Angara, Edgardo J.

SBN-106: Nutrition and Health Act
An Act to Establish Within the Department of Health a Permanent Council on Nutrition and Health Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P., Angara, Edgardo J.

SBN-105: Women in Development Act
An Act Promoting the Integration of Women in the Development Process Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-104: Parents as First Teachers Challenge Grant Act
An Act Supporting Effective Programs That Provide Assistance to Parents Who Want to Help Their Children Become Successful Readers Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-103: Anti-Dial-A-Porn Act
An Act Declaring Unlawful the Commercial Use of Telephones for Making Indecent or Obscene Communications and Providing Penalties Therefor Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-102: Children's Media Protection Act
An Act Limiting Exposure of Children to Violent, Lewd or Obscene Programming on Television and Cable System Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-101: Mother's Day Act
An Act Declaring the First Monday of December Every Year as 'Mother's Day' and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-100: Underprivileged College Students Discount Act
An Act Granting Discounts to Underprivileged College Students on Basic and Education Services Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-99: Students' Guidance Counseling Act
An Act to Recruit, Hire, and Train Additional School-Based Guidance Counselors, Psychologists, School Social Workers and Mental Health Personnel Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P., Angara, Edgardo J.

SBN-98: International Money Transfer Disclosure Act
An Act to Require Certain Disclosures in Connection with Any International Money Transfer and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-97: Personal Privacy Protection Act of 2004
An Act to Provide Protection From Personal Intrusion for Commercial Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-96: Excellence Through Choice to Elevate Learning Act
An Act to Provide Educational Opportunities for Disadvantaged Children, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-95: Video Tapes/Visual Recording for Testamentary Disposition
An Act Amending the New Civil Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No. 386 as Amended) Articles 804, 805, 810 and 811, Providing for the Use of Video Tapes or Other Similar Visual... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-94: Women's Office Act
An Act Establishing An Office on Women's Health Within the Department of Health Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-93: Early Learning Trust Fund Act
An Act Establishing Early Learning Programs for Indigent Pre-Kindergarten Children Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P., Angara, Edgardo J.

SBN-92: Anti-Pyramid Promotional Scheme Act of 2004
An Act to Prohibit Pyramid Promotional Schemes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-91: Official Non-Working Holidays - Either on Monday or Friday
An Act Declaring All Official Non-Working Days to Fall Either on a Monday or a Friday Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-90: Family Privacy Protection Act
An Act Providing for the Prohibition to Obtain Information From Minors on Matters Concerning His/Her Family Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-89: National Teachers Act
An Act Establishing a Teacher Corps Program in Order to Strengthen the Teaching Profession Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-88: Census of Filipinos Abroad Act
An Act to Provide for An Interim Census of Filipinos Residing Abroad and to Require That Such Individuals Be Included in Regular Censuses Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P., Angara, Edgardo J.

SBN-87: Married/Legally Separated Women to Use Their Maiden Name
An Act Allowing Married or Legally Separated Women to Use Their Maiden First Name and Surname, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 386, Also Known as the Civil Code of the... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-86: Consumer Food Safety Act
An Act to Establish a Comprehensive Program to Ensure the Safety of Food Products Intended for Human Consumption Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-85: Children's Environmental Protection Act
An Act Protecting Children and Other Vulnerable Subpopulations From Exposure to Environmental Pollutants and Pesticides in Schools and Providing Parents with Information Concerning... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-84: Medical Rehabilitation Standards Act
An Act Providing for the Standards for the Practice of Rehabilitation Medicine and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

SBN-83: Pesticide Food Safety Act
An Act to Regulate Pesticide Chemical Residues in Food Filed on June 30, 2004 by Ejercito Estrada, Luisa "Loi" P.

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