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Bills (13th Congress)


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SBN-307: Inclusion of Entrepreneurship in High School Curriculum
An Act Requiring Inclusion of Entrepreneurship as a Separate Subject in the High School Curriculum Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-306: Teaching of Disaster Awareness/Mitigation in Schools
An Act Requiring the Teaching of Disaster Awareness and Disaster Mitigation as Part of the Curriculum of All Primary and Secondary Schools in the Country, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-305: Integrating Computer Education Program Into Educational Sys.
An Act to Integrate a Computer Education Program Into the Educational System and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-304: Sports Competition Reverted Back to Dept. of Education
An Act Repealing Section 9, Chapter 3 of Republic Act No. 9155, Otherwise Known as the 'Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001' and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-303: Higher Technological Education Act of 2004
An Act Converting the 100 Ched-Supervised Institutions (CSIs) of the Philippines to Be Called Polytechnic State Colleges of the Philippines (Pscp) and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-302: Tuition Fee Rationalization Act of 2004
An Act Rationalizing and Regulating Tuition and Other School Fees in All Higher and Basic Education Institutions, Creating a Tuition Fee Rationalizing Council, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-301: The Pensionado Act of 2004
An Act Creating An Advanced Studies Development Program for Exceptional Employees From the Government and the Private Sector and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-300: Special Education Program for Gifted & Handicapped Children
An Act to Expand and Revitalize the Special Education Program for Gifted and Handicapped Children and Youth in the Philippines Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-299: Free Public Preparatory Education Act of 2004
An Act Institutionalizing Free Public Preparatory Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-298: Municipal Libraries & Barangay Reading Centers (Establishmnt
An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7743, Otherwise Known as 'An Act Providing for the Establishment of Congressional, City, and Municipal Libraries and Barangay Reading Centers... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-297: Public High School in Every Municipality (Establishment)
An Act Mandating the Immediate Establishment of a Public High School in Every Municipality, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-296: Free Elementary Education Act
An Act Providing for the Full Implementation of the Constitutional Provision on Free Elementary Education and Appropriating Funds Therefor Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-295: Philippine Mining Act (Repealing)
An Act Repealing Republic Act Numbered 7942, Otherwise Known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-294: Reconstitution of Torrens Certificate of Title Lost/Destroy
An Act Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act No. 26, Entitled 'An Act Providing a Special Procedure for the Reconstitution of Torrens Certificate of Title Lost or Destroyed',... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-293: Nullifying Land Titles Not Yet Classified as Alienable
An Act Directing the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources to Nullify Titles Over Lands Not Yet Classified as Alienable and Disposable At the Time of the Issuance of Said... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-292: Water Resources Management Act of 2004
An Act to Address the National Water Crisis Providing for a Comprehensive Water Resources Management, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-291: River and Waterways Ecological Zones Act of 2004
An Act Declaring and Establishing Rivers, River Systems, Beaches Shores and Waterways as Ecological Zone, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-290: Charter of Cebu Water Resources Dev't & Managment Authority
An Act Creating the Cebu Water Resources Development and Management Authority, Charged with Integrating and Coordinating Various Agencies and Organizational... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-289: Loggings in Watersheds and Other Protected Areas
An Act Defining the Offense of Illegal Logging in Watersheds and Other Protected Areas, and Providing Penalties Therefor Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-288: Coastal Environment Program (CEP) of 2004
An Act Establishing the Coastal Environment Program, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-287: Failure to Secure Environmental Clearance Certificate
An Act Increasing the Penalties Imposed Against Failure to Secure An Environmental Clearance Certificate for Undertakings in Environmentally Critical Areas or Violations of the... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-286: Greening of Philippine Highways Act of 2004
An Act Requiring Local Governments to Plant Trees Along National and Local Highways Within its Territorial Boundaries and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-285: Billion Trees Act of 2004
An Act to Spur the Planting of a Billion Trees Through Complementary Tree Planting Programs of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Various Government... Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-284: Office on Muslim Affairs (Creation)
An Act Amending Executive Order No. 122-A, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Act Creating the Office on Muslim Affairs Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

SBN-283: National Historical Institute
An Act Providing for the Improvement and Strengthening of the National Historical Institute Filed on June 30, 2004 by Osmena III, Sergio R.

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