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Bills (14th Congress)


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SBN-805: Allowing Married/Legally Separated Women to Use Their Maiden First Name and Surname
An Act Allowing Married or Legally Separated Women to Use Their Maiden First Name and Surname, Amending for the Purpose Articles Three Hundred Seventy and Three Hundred Seventy-Two of... Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-804: Halal Act of 2007
An Act Establishing the General Guidelines for the Philippine Halal System, Creating for the Purpose the Philippine Halal Executive Council and Converting the Same Into a Board After the... Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-803: Power Rate Consumption Discount
An Act Granting to Residents of the Region Where a Geothermal Energy Plant Is Located a Thirty Percent (30%) Discount on Their Power Rate Consumption Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-802: Anti-Discrimination Against Women
An Act Expanding the Prohibited Acts of Discrimination Against Women on Account of Sex, Amending for the Purpose Articles 135 and 137 of P.D. 442, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Labor... Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-801: Court of Tax Appeals
An Act Enlarging the Organizational Structure of the Court of Tax Appeals, Amending for the Purpose Certain Sections of the Law Creating the Court of Tax Appeals, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-800: Philippine Small Claims Court Act
An Act Providing for the Creation and Establishment of Small Claims Courts in the Philippines, Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-799: Water Resources Management Act
An Act to Address the National Water Crisis Providing for a Comprehensive Water Resources Management, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-798: Philippine Medical Center System
An Act Establishing the Philippine Medical Center System, Providing for its Administration and Support and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-797: Center for Animal Vaccine and Disease Diagnostic Research and Development
An Act Providing for the Establishment of the Center for Animal Vaccine and Disease Diagnostic Research and Development and Appropriating Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-796: Coastal Environment Program (CEP) of 2007
An Act Establishing the Coastal Environment Program, Appropriating Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-795: Establishing a Board on Computer Education
An Act to Integrate a Computer Education Program Into the Educational System and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-794: Milk Nutrition and Labeling Act of 2007
An Act Establishing Standards for the Identity of Milk and Requiring the Labeling Thereof Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-793: Revised Philippine Extradition Law
An Act Prescribing the Procedure for the Implementation of Extradition Treaties Between the Philippine Government and a Foreign Country, and Appropriating Funds Therefor Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-792: Revised University of the Philippines Charter
An Act to Enhance the Academic Freedom and Institutional Autonomy of the University of the Philippines Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-791: Revised Agri-Agra Act of 2007
An Act Amending Presidential Decree No. 717, Otherwise Known as the Agri-Agra Law, to Maximize the Usage of the Agri-Agra Fund, with Strict Emphasis on Rural Credit Focusing on Small... Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-790: School Calendar, Revision From June to September
An Act Revising the School Calendar, Amending for the Purpose Section 24, Chapter 9, Title Vi, Book IV of Executive Order No. 22, Otherwise Known as the Administrative Code of 1987 Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-789: School Health
An Act Providing for the Modernization of the School Health and Nutrition Program (SHNP) of the Department of Education, Authorizing the Appropriation of Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-788: Roads and Streets Diggings
An Act to Regulate Diggings and Excavations on Roads and Streets and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-787: Condominium Act
An Act Modifying the Definition of a Condominium Unit, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act Numbered Four Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Six, as Amended, Otherwise Known as the Condominium... Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-786: High Value Crops Development Act
An Act to Amend R.A. 7900 Otherwise Known as the High Value Crops Development Act of 1995 and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-785: Greening of Philippine Highways Act
An Act Requiring Local Governments to Plant Trees Along National and Local Highways Within its Territorial Boundaries and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-784: Tuition Fee Rationalization Act
An Act Rationalizing and Regulating Tuition and Other School Fees in All Higher and Basic Education Institutions, Creating a Tuition Fee Rationalizing Council, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-783: Anti-Logging in Watersheds and Protected Areas
An Act Defining the Offense of Illegal Logging in Watersheds and Other Protected Areas, and Providing Penalties Therefor Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-782: Free Elementary Education
An Act Providing for the Full Implementation of the Constitutional Provision on Free Elementary Education and Appropriating Funds Therefor Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

SBN-781: Gifted and Handicapped Children Special Education
An Act to Expand and Revitalize the Special Education Program for Gifted and Handicapped Children and Youth in the Philippines Filed on July 3, 2007 by Revilla Jr., Ramon A.

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