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Bills (14th Congress)


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SBN-359: Barangay Potable Water Supply System
An Act to Promote Rural Health by Providing for An Accelerated Program for the Construction of a Potable Water Supply System in Every Barangay in the Country Within Three Years Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-358: Electoral Fraud (Omnibus Election Code)
An Act to Amend Article Xxii, Section 261 (DD) of Batas Pambansa Blg. 881, Otherwise Known as the Omnibus Election Code, as Amended, to Include Other Forms of Electoral Fraud, Prescribing... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-357: Recyclable or Biodegradable Materials
An Act Mandating the Use of Recyclable or Biodegradable Materials for the Packaging of Consumer Products Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-356: Omnibus Election Code (Election Contests)
An Act Amending Batas Pambansa Blg. 881, Otherwise Known as the Omnibus Election Code of the Philippines, as Amended, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-355: Professionalization of Prison Management Act of 2007
An Act to Professionalize the Practice of Prison Management and Set for That Purpose the Qualifications for Superintendents of the National Prison System and Wardens of Provincial, City, or... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-354: Equal Employment Opportunities to Muslims and Tribal Filipinos
An Act to Ensure Equal Employment Opportunities to Muslims and Tribal Filipinos Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-353: Transforming Ndcp to University Status
An Act Establishing the National Defense University of the Philippines and for Other Purposes Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-352: Philippine Railways Modernization Act of 2007
An Act Restoring, Rehabilitating and Modernizing the Old and Existing Lines of the Philippine National Railways (PNR), Extending These Lines Further as Provided Under Republic Act No. 6366,... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-351: Fifteen-Kilometer Radius Municipal Sea Water
An Act Making Municipal Sea Water Within the Fifteen-Kilometer Radius Jurisdiction Part of the Internal Revenue Allotment Computation for Municipalities Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-350: Children's Media Protection Act
An Act Limiting Exposure of Children to Violent Programming on Television and Cable Systems Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-349: Exempting Publisher, Editor, Columnist or Reporter to Reveal Source of Published News
An Act Further Amending Section One of Republic Act No. 53, Otherwise Known as An Act to Exempt the Publisher, Editor, Columnist or Reporter of Any Publication From Revealing the Source of... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-348: Comprehensive Comelec Report Act
An Act Providing for the Minimum Contents of a Comprehensive Report of Elections to the President and to Congress by the Commission on Elections Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-347: Anti-Cable Television Internet Theft of Signal Service Act (CATV)
An Act Prohibiting and Penalizing the Unauthorized Use, Exploitation, Inter-Connection With, or Reception of Any Signal or Service of Existing Cable Television (CATV) or Cable Internet... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-346: Workers Compensation Act of 2007
An Act Establishing the Workers’ Compensation Program, the Work Contingency Insurance Fund, the Philippine Workers’ Compensation Authority and Defining Their Powers and Functions, Amending... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-345: National Labor Commission Franking Privilege
An Act Granting Franking Privilege to the National Labor Relations Commission and for Other Purposes Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-344: Voters Registration Act
An Act Amending Section 58 of Republic Act 8189 Otherwise Known as ‘The Voters Registration Act of 1996’ by Increasing the Penalty Provided and for Other Purposes Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-343: Philippine Society and Environment (Curricula)
An Act to Integrate in the Curricula of All Educational Institutions Including Non-Formal, Indigenous Learning and Out-Of-School Youth Programs, a Course on Philippine Society and the Environment Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-342: Tax Exemption From Real Property Tax the Trees/Land Improvements
An Act Exempting From Real Property Tax the Trees and Other Improvements on Lands Covered by Certificates of Stewardship Contracts Under the Integrated Social Forestry Program” Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-341: Children's Welfare Fund
An Act Instituting Children’S Welfare Fund for the Protection and Rehabilitation of Abandoned, Abused and Sexually Exploited Children, Amending for This Purpose Republic Act No. 7610,... Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-340: 14-Hour Public Health Centers
An Act Requiring All Public Health Centers to Be Open At All Times to Provide Continuous Health and Medical Services to the Public Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-339: Appropriation of Portion of International Airport Fees to the Dept. of Tourism
An Act Appropriating a Portion of the Fees Collected From Departing International Passengers At All Philippine International Airports to Accrue to the Department of Tourism and for Other Purposes Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-338: Penalty for Election Offenses
An Act Increasing the Penalty for Election Offenses and Classifying Certain Election Offenses as Heinous Crimes and for Other Purposes Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-337: Child Legitimation Born to Parents Below Marrying Age
An Act Amending Article 177 of Executive Order No. 209, Otherwise Known as the Family Code of the Philippines Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-336: Prohibiting Presentation of Suspects in Press Conference
An Act Prohibiting the Presentation to the Media or the Public of Mere Suspects in Criminal Investigations Prior to the Filing of the Formal Charges Against Them Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

SBN-335: National Accrediting Agency for Teacher Education Institutions (Naatei) Act of 2007
An Act Establishing a National Accrediting Agency for Teacher Education Institutions (Naatei) Filed on July 2, 2007 by Ejercito-Estrada, Jinggoy P.

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