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Bills (14th Congress)


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SBN-110: Penalty of Imprisonment in Libel Cases (Abolition)
An Act to Abolish the Penalty of Imprisonment in Libel Cases and Providing for the Venue of the Civil Action in Libel Cases Against Community Journalists, Publications or Broadcast... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-109: Free Information Act
An Act Implementing the Constitutional Right of Access to Information, Prescribing Guidelines Therefor, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-108: Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
An Act to Promote Entrepreneurship by Strengthening Development and Assistance Programs to Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 6977, as... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-107: Lemon Law of 2007
An Act Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Purchase of Brand New Motor Vehicles and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-106: Anti-Smuggling Act of 2007
An Act Amending Certain Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1464, Otherwise Known as the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as Amended, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-105: Pre-Need Industry Act of 2007
An Act to Regulate the Pre-Need Plans Industry of the Philippines Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-104: Amending R.A.No. 7088, DepEd to Undertake Schoolbuilding Projects
An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7088, Otherwise Known as the Fair and Equitable Access to Education Act Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-103: Individual Tax Exemption (Minimum Wage Earner)
An Act Exempting From Individual Tax Workers in the Private Sector Receiving Minimum Wage, as Well as Government Workers in Salary Grades 1 to 3, Amending for This Purpose Republic Act... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-102: People's Fund Act
An Act Creating a ‘People’S Fund,’ Earmarking All Proceeds From the Value-Added Tax to the Said Fund, for the Exclusive Allocation to the Education and Health Needs of Our People, Amending... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-101: Law on Patents, Tradenames and Trademarks
An Act to Make the Laws on Patents, Tradenames and Trademarks More Responsive to the Health Care Needs of the Filipino People by Clarifying Non-Patentable Inventions, Allowing the... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Roxas, Mar

SBN-100: National Student Loan Program for the Poor
An Act Creating a National Student Loan Board to Formulate and Implement a National Student Loan Program for the Poor, and Appropriating Funds Therefor Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-99: Payment of Retirement Benefits (Sss/Gsis Members)
An Act Mandating the Payment of Retirement Benefits to Sss or Gsis Members Within a Maximum Period of Thirty (30) Days From the Retirement Date and for Other Purposes” Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-98: Conservation, Protection and Renewal of the Nations Patrimony Act
An Act to Conserve and Protect the Public Forests, Mangroves and Wildlife Therein Through a Program of Renewal, Reforestation and Replanting, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-97: Books for the Barrios Act
An Act Establishing the Books for the Barrios Program and Appropriating Funds Therefor Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-96: Hands-Free Device Act
An Act Requiring the Mandatory Compliance by Motorists of Private and Public Vehicles to Use Hands-Free Devices While Driving Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-95: Philippine Overseas Workers Bank
An Act Creating the Philippine Overseas Workers Bank, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-94: Micro and Cottage Industries Development Act
An Act to Promote, Develop and Assist Micro and Cottage Industries by Providing An Effective and Rational System to Address Their Production and Technology Needs Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-93: Safe Bottled Water Act
An Act Establishing Quality Standards for Mineral Water and Carbonated Water” Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-92: Relief for Victims of Disasters
An Act Providing Relief to Certain Victims of Typhoon, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions or Other Similar Disasters by Granting Special Deductions From Income and Real Property Taxes in Their Favor Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-91: Recycle Waste Act
An Act Requiring the Recycling and the Utilization of Recycled Materials by Educational Institutions” Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-90: Cheaper Medicines Act
An Act Providing for Cheaper Medicines and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-89: Philippine Lemon Law
An Act Providing Protection and Remedies to Buyers of New and Used Motor Vehicles Filed on June 30, 2007 by Villar, Manny

SBN-88: Tourism Act of 2007
An Act Declaring a National Policy for Tourism as An Engine of Investment, Employment, Growth and National Development, Reorganizing the Department of Tourism and its Attached Agencies to... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Gordon, Richard "Dick" J.

SBN-87: Sultan Kudarat Polytechnic State College
An Act Converting the Sultan Kudarat Polytechnic State College in the City of Tacurong, Province of Sultan Kudarat, Into a State University, to Be Known as Central Cotabato State... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Lacson, Panfilo M.

SBN-86: Power Producers Companies or Energy Resources Developers
An Act Requiring All Independent Power Producers Generation Companies or Energy Resource Developers to Remit the Amount They Are Required to Set Aside as Financial Benefit Directly to the... Filed on June 30, 2007 by Lacson, Panfilo M.

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