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Bills (14th Congress)


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SBN-1277: Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
An Act Providing for Fair Debt Collection Practices and Requiring Debt Collectors to Observe Such Practices Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1276: Providing Reasonable Dividend Rate to Rehabilitate Ailing Rural Banks
An Act Amending Section 8 of Republic Act No. 7353, Also Known as the Rural Banks of 1992 Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1275: Increase Penalties for Illegal Gambling
An Act Rationalizing the Law Against Gambling And/Or Betting by Providing Stiffer Penalties, Forfeiture and Confiscation Provisions and Establishing a Prima Facie Presumption for Violations... Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1274: Meat Labeling Act
An Act to Require the Labeling of Imported and Meat Food Products Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1273: Entrepreneurial Education Promotion Act
An Act to Establish the National Commission on Entrepreneurial Education Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1272: Amending PCSO Charter, Removing its Authority to Conduct Lottery
An Act Amending Section One of Republic Act Numbered Eleven Hundred and Sixty-Nine, Otherwise Known as the Charter of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1271: Folic Acid Promotion and Birth Defects Prevention Act
An Act to Provide for a National Folic Acid Education Program to Prevent Birth Defects Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1270: Imported Produce Labeling Act
An Act to Require Country-Of-Origin Labeling of Perishable Agricultural Commodities Imported Into the Philippines and to Establish Penalties for Violations of the Labeling Requirements Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1269: Consumer Privacy in Commercial Transactions Act of 2007
An Act Protecting Consumer Privacy in Credit Card and Check Transactions Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1268: Osteoporosis Education and Prevention Act of 2007
An Act Initiating a National Campaign for Osteoporosis Education and Prevention Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1267: Pregnant Women Welfare Act
An Act Providing for the Benefits and Privileges to Pregnant Women and Their Families, Appropriating Funds Therefor Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1266: Government Recycling Act of 2007
An Act to Require Congress to Purchase Recycled Paper and Paper Products to the Greatest Extent Practicable Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1265: Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Act of 2007
An Act to Establish a Pilot Program to Provide Grants Encouraging Institutions of Higher Education to Establish and Operate Pregnant and Parenting Student Services Offices Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1264: Restoring Art. 73 as Originally Approved by the Code Commission in Nov. 8, 1986 Cttee Meeting
An Act Amending Executive Order No. 209, Also Known as the Family Code, Article 73, on the Charge Against the Community Property of An Obligation of a Spouse Who Practices a Profession Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1263: Youth Commission Act
An Act to Establish the National Commission on the Impact of Filipino Culture on the Youth Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1262: Filipino Made Products Shall Bear the Label: Proudly Made in the Philippines
An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7394, Also Known as the ‘Consumer Act of the Philippines,’ Article 77 on Labels of Consumer Products Manufactured by Filipino-Owned Enterprises Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1261: Right to Travel
An Act Safeguarding the People’S the Right to Travel by Providing Guidelines Under Which Such Right May Be Regulated Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1260: Employment Non-Discrimination Act
An Act to Prohibit Employment Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1259: Credit Card Interest Rate Change Disclosure Act
An Act Requiring Credit Card Corporations to Give Their Consumers Ninety-Days Notice Before Changing Their Annual Credit Percentage Rate of Interest Applicable on Any Credit Card Account or... Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1258: Code of Professional Standards for Political Public Relations
An Act Providing for the Code of Professional Standards for the Practice of Political Public Relations Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1257: Parents as Partners in Learning Act of 2007
An Act to Establish a ‘Parents as Partners in Learning’ Program Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1256: Women's Protection Act
An Act Granting Women the Right to Know Work Conditions Affecting Their Health Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1255: Exact Change Act
An Act Requiring Business Establishments to Give Exact Change to Consumers Filed on July 18, 2007 by Defensor Santiago, Miriam

SBN-1254: Overseas Filipinos Investment Bill
An Act Promoting the Establishment of Business Enterprises by Overseas Filipinos (OFS), Providing Incentives and Benefits Thereof, and for Other Purposes Filed on July 18, 2007 by Pangilinan, Francis N.

SBN-1253: Comelec Duly Authorized Volunteers in Lieu of Teachers Should Serve During Election Period
An Act Amending Section 13 of Republic Act No. 6646, Otherwise Known as ‘The Electoral Reforms Law of 1987’, to Remove the Mandate From Public School Teachers to Serve as Members of the... Filed on July 18, 2007 by Pangilinan, Francis N.

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