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Bills (17th Congress)


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SBN-10: National Internal Revenue Code of 1997
An Act Providing Tax Relief to Public School Teachers by Exempting Them From Income Taxation, Amending for the Purpose Sections 22 and 24A of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as Amended Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-9: Philippine Mental Health Act of 2016
An Act Promoting Mental Health, Promulgating a National Mental Health Policy Towards the Enhancement of Integrated Mental Health Services, the Promotion and Protection of Persons Utilizing... Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-8: Drug Rehabilitation Treatment for Philhealth Beneficiaries
An Act Providing for Affordable Drug Rehabilitation Treatment for Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) Beneficiaries, Further Amending Republic Act 7875, as Amended Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-7: Sim Card Registration Act of 2016
An Act to Eradicate Mobile Phone - Aided Terrorism and Criminal Activities Mandating for This Purpose Ownership Regisration of All Pre-Paid Sim Cards for Cellular Phones Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C., Pacquiao, Emmanuel "Manny" D., Zubiri, Juan Miguel F., Villar, Cynthia A., Gordon, Richard J.

SBN-6: R.A.No. 53, to Include Print, Broadcast and Electronic Mass Media in the Exemption
An Act Amending Section 1 of Republic Act No.53 Otherwise Known as to Exempt the Publisher, Editor or Reporter of Any Publication From Revealing the Source of Published News or Information... Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-5: Dangerous Drug Court (DDC)
An Act Creating a Special Court to Be Known as the Dangerous Drugs Court and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-4: Death Penalty Act of 2016
An Act Imposing Death Penalty in the Philippines Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-3: Presidential Anti-Drug Authority (Prada) Act
An Act Amending Article Ix of Republic Act 9165, Otherwise Known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002, Creating the Presidential Anti-Drug Authority (Prada), and for Other Purposes Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-2: 14th Month Pay Law
An Act Requiring Employers in the Private Sector to Pay 14th Month Pay Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

SBN-1: Anti-Drug Penal Institution
An Act Establishing a Detention Program and Facility for High-Level Drug Offenders Within the National Penitentiary System Under the Bureau of Corrections, Appropriating Funds Therefor and... Filed on June 30, 2016 by Sotto III, Vicente C.

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