Photo Release
January 14, 2009

PNRC GRANTS INSURANCE TO NPC: Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Sen. Richard J. Gordon and National Press Club (NPC) President Benny Antiporda shake hands as they show the mock platinum membership card during the signing ceremony of an agreement granting insurance coverage to some 1,200 mediamen covering disaster and other emergency situations. Witnessing the simple ceremony held at the PNRC Headquarters, Manila, Jan. 14 are (first row, from left) PNRC Secretary Corazon Alma de Leon, NPC Secretary Louie Logarda, (second row) PNRC Deputy Secretary General Gwen Pang, NPC Director Amor Virata, NPC Director Freddie Manalac, NPC Vice President Rolly Gonzalo, and NPC Director Marlon Purificacion.
