Photo Release
March 25, 2009

SENATE SERVICE CHIEFS TAKE OATH: Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, on Wednesday March 25, swears in the 13 officers of the Association of Senate Service Chiefs (ASSC): (L-R) Col. Jaime Dimacali, Sergeant-at-Arms; Tony Dobles and Atty. Crisante del Mundo, Business Managers; Romy Ortiz, Secretary; Ayns Barrios, Vice-Chairman; Lino Ong, Chairman; Leria Fajardo, Auditor; Vicky Francia, Assistant Treasurer; Dolly Evidente, Treasurer; Ube Bacarro, Assistant Secretary; Juliet Cervo, Auditor; Art Mojica and Mario Sulit, Public Relations Officers. ASSC is composed of all Directors III of the Philippine Senate.
