Photo Release
March 16, 2010

UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT: UN General Assembly President Dr. Ali Abdussalam Treki met with Senate Majority Leader Juan Miguel Zubiri yesterday at the Senate. Dr. Treki and Senator Zubiri discussed issues among them is the ongoing Special Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting (SNAMMM) on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace and Development being hosted by the Philippines in Manila. Dr. Treki praised the role being played by the Philippines in this important concern of the UN.

Senator Zubiri on the other hand thanked Dr. Treki on the role he played as Chairman of the Quadripartite Ministerial Commission of the Islamic Conference that initiated negotiations and produced the Tripoli Agreement between the Philippine Government in the current peace talks with the MILF. Dr. Treki is Libya's current Minister of African Union Affairs.

The UN General Assembly President is in Manila as the guest of honor during the SNAMMM which he will address on Wednesday, March 18.
