Photo Release
September 2, 2013

SENATE COMMENDS OUTSTANDING SOLDIERS: Senate President Franklin M. Drilon together with Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano, Sen. Nancy Binay, Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and Metrobank president Aniceto Sobrepeña, present Senate Resolution No. 177, honoring and commending the Outstanding Philippine Soldiers (TOPS) of 2013.The award was given by the Metrobank Foundation, inc., and the Rotary Club of Makati Metro to Colonel Romeo S. Brawner Jr., Chief Master Sergeant Rogelio J. Mendoza, and Technical Sergeant Ferdinand S. Baladjay of the Philippine Army; Captain Vicente L. Cejoco, Technical Sergeant Dante P. Berganio (Marines), and Hospitalman 3rd Class Sergs E. Estropigan of the Philippine Navy; Lieutenant Colonel Moises L. Micor, Master Sergeant Alberto A. Pesebre, Technical Sergeant Nolito G. Tumesa and Major Daneck E. Dang-Awan of the Philippine Air Force. (PRIB Photo by Joseph Vidal/2 September 2013)
