Photo Release
September 2, 2013

SENATE COMMENDS OUTSTANDING COPS: Senate President Franklin M. Drilon together with Senate Majority Leader Alan Peter Cayetano, Sen. Nancy Binay, Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and Metrobank president Aniceto Sobrepeña, present Senate Resolution No. 210 commending the recipients of the Country’s Outstanding Police Officers in Service (C.O.P.S.) of 2013, an award given by the Metrobank Foundation, Inc., the Rotary Club of New Manila East, and PSBank. The awardees include, from the Police Commissioned Officers Category, Police Superintendent Edgar Alan Omas Okubo; Police Chief Inspector Carlo Magno Mercado Manuel; Police Senior Inspector Arlan Lim Delumpines; and Police Inspector Margienett Terano Yosores. Awarded for the Police Non-Commissioned Officers Category were Senior Police Officer 1 Edgardo Abastar Figuracion II; Senior Police Officer 1 Raquel Ramos Aniwasal; Senior Police Officer 4 Teofilo Siao Juanata, Jr.; Senior Police Officer 2 Oscar Morales Angeles, Jr.; Senior Police Officer 2 Rodito Torrevillas Viovicente; and Senior Police Officer 1 Eduardo De Guzman Covarrubias. (PRIB Photo by Joseph Vidal/2 September 2013)
