Photo Release
August 2, 2014

ILOILO URBAN GREENING PROJECT: Senate President Franklin M. Drilon and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Secretary Ramon Paje (left of Drilon) commence the opening ceremony for the DENR urban greening program launched at Iloilo City last July 31, 2014. Drilon lauded the DENR initiative, which provided for an initial batch of 3,000 tree seedlings to be planted along the new Iloilo Circumferential Road. He noted that more trees will also be planted along the road at Centro Verde in Mandurriao district, and the recently-opened Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. Avenue. Drilon and Paje were accompanied during the event by lloilo City Mayor Jed Patrick Mabilog and Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor Sr. (PRIB Photo by Cesar Tomambo, August 2, 2014)
