Photo Release

October 15, 015

42ND COMMITTEE ON WORLD FOOD SECURITY: Senator Cynthia Villar delivered, on behalf of Asian countries, the region's statement at the ongoing Plenary Session of the 42nd Committee on World Food Security in Rome or #CFS42. The group emphasized that smallholder agriculture is the backbone of food security and nutrition in most countries in Asia. They welcomed renewed commitment in helping small farmers, including farming families in rural communities.

“Agriculture in the region is largely characterized by smallholders cultivating plots of lands less than two hectares. Smallholders’ contribution to the total value of agriculture output is significant in many Asian countries. It is in this light that we put premium and priority on the issue of smallholder agriculture, in general, and integrating this vital sector of the economy to the markets, in particular,” cited the statement read by Villar during the CFS plenary session.
