Photo Release

February 5, 2024

Foreigners not asking for change in constitution: Sen. Imee Marcos says foreign investors and locators have not mentioned any need to change the Constitution in her almost daily contact with them. Rather, the former chairperson of the Committee on Economic Affairs said foreign investors had expressed the need to lower the rates of electricity, have better infrastructure, less red tape and a predictable and reliable regulatory framework. Marcos said she was also puzzled by the list provided by the public services on proposed amendments on certain provisions, given the many problems the country had with the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) and the constant investigations in the Senate, as well as proposed amendments on the education sector. “We are all fully aware that basic education as well as all aspects of private education are shrinking in revenue, in number and in employment. So, why education will be turned over to foreigners is a puzzlement to me,” Marcos said during the public hearing on a proposal to amend certain economic provisions of the 1987 Constitution Monday, February 5, 2024. (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)
