Photo Release

February 7, 2024

Give workers a chance to be more productive: Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda says increasing the minimum wage of workers in the private sector will alleviate the financial strain on their families. In her co-sponsorship speech on Senate Bill No. 2534, which seeks to increase the daily minimum wage by P100, Legarda said there is a chance to lift individuals out of poverty. “There is a chance for them to be more productive, to pay more taxes, to spend more in our economy, and to be able to live a life that they deserve,” Legarda stressed. “We cannot ignore the plight of our workers. They are the ones carrying this economy and we must protect them at all costs. We must not tolerate inequality and poverty. This is why we must pass this measure,” added Legarda during Wednesday’s plenary session February 7, 2024. (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)
