Photo Release

February 7, 2024

Cayetano supports wage hike: Sen. Pia Cayetano, during Wednesday’s plenary session, February 7, 2024, expresses support to Senate Bill No. 2534 providing for a P100 daily minimum wage increase for employees and workers in the private sector. Cayetano, in her co-sponsorship speech, said how advanced and developed a country is can be determined on how the government treats the most vulnerable in their society. “So when we look at families who can't even feed their children three meals a day, who struggle to put literally a roof over the head where they live in shanties…when we take time dealing with political issues, It takes time away from dealing with the poorest of the poor who need our support to live a decent life,” Cayetano said. “I joined our colleagues in co-sponsoring this very important measure. It may not seem like a lot because it is really not that much but I believe it paves the way in us recognizing that this cannot continue as it is,” she added. (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)
