Photo Release

February 14, 2024

Addressing teenage pregnancy and sexual abuse problems: Senate President Pro Tempore Loren Legarda wants to address the problem of teenage pregnancy and sexual abuse by the cooperation and collective efforts of various government agencies such as the Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), and Department of Justice (DOJ). During Wednesday’s hearing, February 14, 2024, of the Committee on Basic Education, Legarda sought the recommendations and suggested solutions of the DepEd to address the problems. “What are your prospective recommendations and solutions to address this? I am sure we did not just know where and sit idly by and witnessed it. You've done solutions within your power. And what is it that you want the Senate to do? As a body, as an institution, what kind of innovations and convergence do you want with the DSWD, with the DOJ, even with the police?” Legarda asked. “So we have a children and women's desk and you (DepEd) should therefore teach sex education, not just for the girl children but also for the boys so that they will know what is applicable and what's not should be done and what is proper and so that they could speak out. I know sometimes it's cultural and it's difficult,” she added. Former DepEd Sec. Leonor Briones said it is a rising national challenge brought about by many factors which requires a holistic approach to solve the problems. (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)
