Photo Release

March 11, 2024

Celebrating the strong bond of friendship with the Republic of Korea: On 11 March 2024, Senate President Juan Miguel F. Zubiri, together with Senator Win Gatchalian, President of the Philippines-Republic of Korea Parliamentary Friendship Association, welcomed Ambassador Lee Sang-hwa at the Senate Ceremonial Hall. Celebrating 75 years of diplomatic relations this year, the discussions underscored the long ties and enduring bond between the two nations, especially in furthering cooperation in defense, maritime security, tourism and trade. Senate President Zubiri also referenced the signed Free Trade Agreement with Korea, which is expected to further boost bilateral trade and increase much-needed investments for the Philippines. He also expressed the Philippines’ interest in enhancing defense capabilities with the help of reliable partners like Korea. The Senate unanimously adopted Senator Gatchalian's Resolution, with all Senators made co-authors, recognizing the enduring amity and cooperation between the two countries spanning 75 years. (Senate OIRP/Photo by Red Santos, OSP)
