Photo Release

May 20, 2024

New leadership: Sen. Loren Legarda tenders her resignation as Senate President Pro Tempore as the institution moves in transition to new leadership during Monday’s plenary session, May 20, 2024. “It has been the greatest privilege of my career to serve as your Senate President Pro Tempore for nearly two years. With integrity, determination, and perseverance, we have overcome challenges and achieved significant milestones that I will forever cherish,” Legarda said in her speech. “I am thankful for the trust and confidence each of you has placed in me throughout my tenure as Senate President Pro Tempore. I am immensely proud of the work we have accomplished together,” she added. Legarda thanked outgoing Senate President Juan Miguel “Migz” F. Zubiri, Majority Leader Joel Villanueva and all her colleagues for a remarkable journey. (Mark Pimentel/Senate PRIB)
