Photo Release

June 11, 2024

Celebrating 60 years of diplomatic relations in 2026: Senate President Francis “Chiz” Escudero received New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister, the Rt. Honorable Winston Peters, and Ambassador of New Zealand to the Philippines, H.E. Catherine Rosemary McIntosh during a courtesy call at the Senate Ceremonial Hall on 11 June 2024. Both sides discussed on how to further enhance cooperation across various fields which include defense and security in the region, economy, people-to-people linkages and inter parliamentary relations, in anticipation of the 60th Anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2026. The Deputy Prime Minister said that inter-parliamentary cooperation can be further boosted through both parliaments’ existing friendship groups which have remained active in recent years. Senate President Escudero thanked New Zealand for all its assistance to the Philippines and expressed support of the possible Status of Visiting Forces Agreement (SOVFA) which the Philippines and New Zealand may enter into in the future. The Senate President expressed interest in the existing pension programs of New Zealand which the Philippines may learn from. (Reference: Office of the International Relations and Protocol)
