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Bills (13th Congress)
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SBN-2357: Organ Donation Act of 1991An Act Amending Sections 8 and 13 of Republic Act No. 7170 Otherwise Known as the Organ Donation Act of 1991 as Amended by Republic Act No. 7885 and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2356: Charging of Taxi FaresAn Act Penalizing the Chaging of Taxi Fares Which Are Higher Than the Official Rates, the Failure to Use the Taxi Meters or the Refusal to Carry Without Cause Taxi Passengers to Their... Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2355: Compliance by Motorists of Private and Public VehiclesAn Act Requiring the Mandatory Compliance by Motorists of Private and Public Vehicles to Appropriately Restrain All Child Occupants of Motor Vehicles Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2354: Hands-Free Device ActAn Act Requiring the Mandatory Compliance by Motorists of Private and Public Vehicles to Use Hands-Free Devices While Driving Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2353: Disclosure of Information to PoliceAn Act to Require the Disclosure of Information to Police Respecting Persons Being Treated for Gunshot Wounds Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2352: Property Rights of Filipino ArtistsAn Act Safeguarding the Property Rights of Filipino Artists with Respect to Their Artistic Work in the Television Medium and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2351: Magna Carta of Agricultural Officers and EmployeesAn Act Providing for a Magna Carta of Agricultural Officers and Employees Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2350: Philippine Roadways Planting ActAn Act Providing for the Planting of Trees Along All National, Proincial, City, Municipal, and Barangay Roads and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2349: Grains Price Stabilization FundAn Act Creating the Grains Price Stabilization Fund of the National Food Authority for its Food Security and Stabilization Program, Providing Funds Therefor and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2348: Income and Real Property TaxAn Act Providing Provisional Relief to Certain Victims of Typhoons, Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions or Other Similar Disasters by Granting Special Deductions From Income and Real Property... Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2347: Human Rights Resource Center Act of 2006An Act to Strengthen Philippine Commitment to Human Rights Promotion and Protection by Establishing Human Rights Resource Centers Throughout the Country and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2346: Report of Theft of Firearm ActAn Act Requiring the Reporting of Theft of a Firearm by the Legal Owner Thereof and Providing Civil Liability for Violation Thereof Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2345: FeloniesAn Act Defining as Qualified Felonies Certain Felonies Committed by Employers or Immediate Members of Their Family Against Househelpers Under Their Employ Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2344: Surrogate MotherhoodAn Act Prohibiting Surrogate Motherhood Including Infant Selling and Providing Penalties Therefor Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2343: Video Voyeurism Prevention ActAn Act Punishing the Malicious Capturing of the Improper Image of An Individual Under Circumstances Violating the Right to Privacy and Imposing Penalty Therefor Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2342: Period of Preventive ImprisonmentAn Act Amending Article 29 of Act No. 3815, as Amended, the Revised Penal Code, in Order to Give Offenders the Fullest Benefit of Preventive Imprisonment and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2341: Abolition: 301 Days Prohibition to RemarryAn Act Abolishing the Three Hundred and One (301) Days Criminal Prohibition to Remarry and Allowing the Remarriage of a Widow or a Separated Woman Forty (40) Days After the Death of Her... Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2340: Delinquent Parents (Penalty)An Act Strengthening the Penal Provisions with Respect to Delinquent Parents, Amending for the Purpose Articles 276, 277, and 278 of the Revised Penal Code, as Amended Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2339: Parents-Teachers AssociationsAn Act Strengthening the Parents-Teachers Associations, Defining Their Organizational Mechanism, Powers and Functions and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2338: Cash Rewards of National ArtistsAn Act Increasing the Cash Awards of National Artists, Amending for the Purpose Presidential Decree No. 208 Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2337: Special Education Program for Gifted/Handicapped ChildrenAn Act to Expand and Revitalize the Special Education Program for Gifted and Handicapped Children and Youth in the Philippines Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2336: Clean Sports Act of 2006An Act Establishing the Minimum Standards for the Testing of Steroids and Other Performance-Enhancing Substances by Professional Sports Leagues and Imposing Penalties for Violations Therefor Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2335: Safe Schools Internet ActAn Act to Require the Installation of a System for Filtering or Blocking Matter on the Internet on Computers in Elementary and Secondary Schools and Libraries with Internet Access, and for... Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2334: Parents Empowerment ActAn Act to Provide a Civil Action for a Minor Injured by Exposure to An Entertainment Product Containing Material That Is Harmful to Minors, and for Other Purposes Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.
SBN-2333: Philippine Feminism Day (June 30)An Act Declaring June 30 of Every Year as a Day of Celebration to Commemorate Philippine Feminism Filed on June 7, 2006 by Villar Jr., Manuel B.