Photo Release

May 22, 2024

Diplomats’ privileges: Sen. Francis “Tol” Tolentino asks Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Pacific Affairs Aileen Mendiola-Rau if they had called the Chinese ambassador to the Philippines in relation to the alleged wiretapping incident involving former Western Command (Wescom) commander Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos and a Chinese military attaché known as “Col. Li” early January this year. The Committee on National Defense and Security, Peace, Unification and Reconciliation has conducted a public hearing on the matter Wednesday, May 22, 2024. In response, Mendiola-Rau said DFA has not summoned the Chinese ambassador since the agency could only do so if there is a prima facie case -- meaning that there is evidence that could not be contradicted, making it sufficient to establish a fact constituting a party’s claim or defense. She said diplomats also enjoy immunities and privileges unless otherwise withdrawn. (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)
