Photo Release

June 21, 2024

Humane and feasible: Sen. Grace L. Poe urges the Department of Transportation (DOTr) to come up with a humane and feasible timeline for the Public Utility Vehicles Modernization Program (PUVMP) ensuring proper consultation with its stakeholders. During Friday’s hearing, June 21, 2024, of the Committee on Public Services, Poe said the DOTr should prioritize the completion of the route plans before reducing the PUV units and provide proper management, accounting, and human resources training, including effective grievance mechanisms, for transport entities. “Let's find a way to make modernization affordable. Let's lessen our reliance on expensive imported units. Why is it necessary to get from another country or China if we can do it here which is cheaper,” Poe stressed. “We all want modernization here, but not if thousands will lose their livelihood or transportation. What is the point of jeepney running fast if those who need to be boarded are left behind?” she added. (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)
