Press Release
June 11, 2024

Message of Senate Minority Leader Aquilino "Koko" Pimentel III on the commemoration of the Philippine's 126th Independence Day tomorrow/June 12, 2024

I join the entire nation in commemorating our country's Independence Day. This is a momentous occasion to cherish the birth of our Republic and reflect on the sacrifices made by our forefathers. As we celebrate this day, let us also commit ourselves to preserving the spirit of freedom and independence for future generations.

May we use this occasion to remind ourselves of the challenges we face today: inflation, joblessness, poverty, corruption, and crime. These are the modern-day enemies we must strive to overcome. Let us fight inflation and work towards economic stability for all. Let us fight for salary hikes that reflect the true cost of living and give dignity to each hardworking Filipino. Let us put an end to corruption. Let us address joblessness and poverty as a nation. Let us work together to make our country safer for its people.

May the nation and its people be freed from these burdens. Together, let us build a nation that embodies the true essence of freedom--one that is prosperous, just, and inclusive for all.

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