Press Release
June 19, 2024

PSR No. 1052 filed by Sen. Imee Marcos to conduct an inquiry into the alleged anti-vaccine propaganda by the US military during the COVID-19 pandemic

Senator Imee Marcos filed a Resolution on 18 June 2024 directing the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to conduct an inquiry, in aid of legislation, into the alleged anti-vaccine propaganda by the military of the United States of America during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Senator Marcos says the reported anti-vax and misinformation campaigns "gravely threaten national security issues and public health."

The Senator says there is a need to verify if indeed the alleged campaigns were orchestrated by the U.S. military and, if in the affirmative, "determine the ramifications of the actions of the U.S. Military, any potential breach of international law by the [USA] and the possible legal recourse available to the Philippines."

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