Press Release
July 2, 2024

Poe wants 24/7 operations for gov't infrastructure projects

Senator Grace Poe is pushing for a 24/7, day and night operations in the implementation of government infrastructure projects to avoid wastage of funds and speed up the delivery of benefits to the people.

Senate Bill No. 2716 or the proposed Accelerated Infrastructure Delivery Act seeks round-the-clock work for priority projects funded by the national government, local government units, and government-owned and controlled corporations, particularly those involving hard infrastructure like the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads and bridges.

"By working tirelessly, day and night, we will expedite the completion of critical infrastructure

projects, reducing delays and as a result, accelerating benefits to our communities," Poe said.

"The measure will also ensure that our country will not incur any more penalties and purchase construction materials at terribly inflated prices due to such delays," the chairperson of the Senate finance committee said.

The bill pointed out that in 2017 alone, the Philippine government was required to pay a total of P230.17 million in penalties and commitment fees because some of the national agencies were not able to follow the construction timeline of infrastructure projects.

Moreover, studies have shown that delays in infrastructure construction entail higher costs as a result of the increase in the prices and scarcity of the required materials, the bill added.

Poe said it is high time for policymakers to step in and prevent undue and unwarranted delays from occurring.

"The millions of pesos that we will save through this proposed law can instead be reallocated to the government's public services programs where they can make the most difference," Poe said.

For critical infrastructure projects, the bill proposes three shifts of workers for a 24/7 operations.

The workers are assured of adequate provisions for their safety, welfare and fair compensation.

Adequate accommodations and support services will be provided to workers as necessary.

The funds for these projects will also cover provisions for overtime pay, safety measures, and logistical requirements.

To motivate compliance and ensure the efficiency of round-the-clock operations, contractors and workers engaged in government infrastructure projects under the bill may be eligible for incentives based on the criteria and guidelines established by the appropriate implementing agency.

Failure of the implementing agencies to adhere to the project's timeline and other provisions of the measure will result in possible reduced budget for future activities.

On the part of the contractors, those found to be negligent in implementing the provisions of the bill will face sanctions, such as but not limited to suspension from bidding for and participating in other government projects.

"The proposed law aims to turn the Philippines into a leader in infrastructure development, showcasing our country's ability to innovate, adapt, and adjust with the shifting tides," Poe said.

"It sends a clear message to the world: our country is open for business, and we have the infrastructure to prove it," Poe added.

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